Haiti, Cholera and Homeopathy

A weather disturbance known as a 'tropical wave' was detected off the Atlantic coast of Africa on September 25th of this year.  Although it sounds like a tropical wave is a surfing term, in fact, it is used to describe a meteorological event where an elongated area of low pressure - an 'atmospheric trough' - forms along a north-south axis.  Tropical waves tend to move westerly across the tropics causing cloudiness or storms, but can also lead to tropical cyclones.

 This particular event was dubbed 'Invest 97L' at the time - an 'invest' being meteorology-speak for a weather disturbance which is being monitored for cyclone development.  As it moved westward over the next three days, Invest 97 reached the West Indies, becoming an organized weather system with sufficient strength to be dubbed Tropical Storm Matthew.

Vexxed over Vaxxed

  The movie ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe’ made the rounds of select theaters in Vermont over the last several months. These showings

  The movie ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe’ made the rounds of select theaters in Vermont over the last several months. These showings - one of which took place in Brattleboro at the Latchis Theater this past Monday evening - are sponsored by the Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice (ww.voicesforchoice.com) and are part of an effort to raise awareness about risks associated with vaccinations.

What makes Vaxxed so compelling is two-fold:

There are many powerful, heart rendering scenes in which parents of vaccine damaged children testify to their experience of having their child vaccinated and then soon thereafter witnessing profound neurological degeneration.   These interviews watched one after the other can leave the viewer emotionally stunned - and enraged at the forces that led to these outcomes.

Treating an Autoimmune Headache

  It will be fifteen years ago next month when a patient we’ll call Pat first came to consult with me. A mild mannered, hard-working woman in her mid-sixties, she complained of ongoing weakness, breathlessness and dizziness that had been bothering her for years. She also had unstable blood pressure for which she had already been medicated for over 30 years.

From a homeopathic perspective, her case was fairly clear at the time. The lack of energy, vertigo and the breathlessness that was especially exasperated when climbing the stairs or walking up hill along with her salt of the earth yet timid nature was enough to suggest the remedy Calcarea Carbonica.

A Case of Fibromyalgia

  Wade is in many ways your classic Vermonter. Old school classic. Not one of the expatriates from the coastal regions who fled some alloy of the congestion, affluence and boredom of their native sub/urban life and whose taste for progressive views and Subarus have today come to define ‘Vermonter’ in the mind of much of the rest of the country.

Bona fide old school.   A hardscrabble youth produced a self-described hellion who left home in his early teens, eventually found his way into the army for a few years, and in due course became a trucker before ‘retiring’ to a life of carpentry and woodworking.   Largely self-educated and self reliant, Wade maintains a keen curiosity about the world and especially the people who inhabit it.

Hair of the Dog

Daniel (not his real name) was distraught and in tears the first time we met.   It wasn’t an appointment - he had just dropped by the office with his wife to ask if homeopathy might help. Waves of emotions passed over his face as we spoke and he seemed barely able to contain whatever pain he was experiencing within himself.  There was no physical illness as far as he knew – or so he explained, but mentally Daniel felt at the end of his rope and wasn’t sure if or how to carry on. Actually, when the time came, I wasn’t sure he would show for his appointment. We had set it up for a few weeks out because of some traveling he had planned and my schedule. In such an acute state, who knows what might happen between now and then? But, in fact, there he was right on time…