Recognise This Person?

Most of the time after meeting a patient for the first time, I don't prescribe a remedy immediately at the conclusion of the consultation.  It is my habit to study the information gathered during the session - my notes, observations and impressions - afterward, in order to integrate it all together, come up with a treatment strategy and an initial remedy.

During a consultation, it is easy to have a remedy come to mind and color my perspective. So, step backing affords me the opportunity to drop my prejudice and gain a more objective frame of reference. It also affords time the opportunity to study not only the patient's information, but medical and homeopathic literature relevant to the case as well.

It's the Serotonin, right?

A patient we'll call David came for a consultation seeking help regarding a mood disorder.  Variously diagnosed as depression or anxiety - or both, it had plagued him for most of his adult life.   Most of his emotions seemed tied up with his working.  As a middle aged professional who ran his own small firm, he placed a great deal of pressure on himself to perform up to his own high standards and easily fell into despair about what he perceived as his professional inadequacies.

A Case of Asperger Syndrome

Beth was an 11-year-old girl whose mother brought her in for a consultation mostly to address behavioral and emotional issues.   Over the years she had a number of neuropsych evaluations that led to an alphabet soup of diagnoses - ADHD, ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), AS (Asperger Syndrome) and my personal favorite PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified).  

If It Isn't Broken, Don't Fix It (unless you want to break it...)

In December of 2017, The Federal Drug Administration issued a Draft Guidance proposing that the guidelines governing the manufacture and sale of homeopathic remedies in the United States for the last thirty years be withdrawn and replaced by an updated version. 

Non-Ordinary Realities

A number of years ago, a young woman in her early 20's we'll call Samantha sought out homeopathic treatment for difficulties she was experiencing during pregnancy.  She had given birth just a year or so earlier and had experienced problems toward the end of her term.  Now, this tine around Samantha was complaining of extremely low energy, poor digestion, generalized itching and irritability.