
Cancer & Mycotoxins

Recently, I saw a patient freshly diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.  He had been my patient for a number of years already and had apparently responded well to homeopathic treatment.  That is, the symptoms he had complained of were alleviated and his sense of well being increased.  He felt well and there were no indications of illness.  Then he underwent a routine colonoscopy...


Homeopathy anti-inflammatory remedies provide perhaps the most sophisticated and specific form of inflammation treatment. Homeopathic anti inflammation medicine such as the nightshade Belladonna, Apis mellifica derived from the honeybee and Arnica Montana, a member of the sunflower family, are all widely used as homeopathic treatments for inflammation in the body.


Concerned about the antibiotic residues in the chicken you are eating?  It turns out that antibiotics is only one of a number of ‘additives’ that may be finding their way into poultry meat. Scientists from Johns Hopkins and Arizona State University researching the presence of antibiotics in poultry not only detected banned antibiotics but also found traces of Benadryl, Tylenol, caffeine, arsenic and personal care products (which could mean anything from chapstick to cosmetics to perfume).1

 To quote one of the authors of the study, “It is unbelievable what we found...."

A Week In Kolkata

I flew into Kolkata (what used to be known as Calcutta) not really knowing what to expect – of the city itself or the people and place I had arranged to visit. The former had a reputation as the soulful, cultural heart of India, filled with the ramshackle architectural beauty, elegant buildings, and teeming slums; the latter an incredibly busy clinic of a renowned homeopath and his son where many patients with very severe pathologies such as cancer and chronic renal failure are treated with unique protocols. Actually, it might be more accurate to say that I had very few expectations at all. A little over a year ago, an Indian homeopathic colleague had related to me that he had spent some time observing at a clinic that was using unique protocols to treat very serious pathologies such as cancer and that subsequently he himself had found it effective for his own patients. That was all it took to whet my appetite.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Palladium Complex

One of the basic differences between cancer cells and normal healthy ones is their relationship to oxygen. Cancer cells lack oxygen. They are ‘anaerobic’, meaning that they require an absence of free oxygen to survive. On the other hand, normal cells are ‘aerobic, that is, they need oxygen in order to live and grow. Put another way, normal body cells thrive in a living organism with an internal environment that is oxygen rich while cancer cells don’t. Conversely, an oxygen deprived environment is a breeding ground for malignancy. 75 years ago, when this quality of cancer cells was discovered, it was worthy of a Nobel Prize because it had the potential to shed light on the causes of cancer and provided insights into strategies to both cure and prevent it. The implication is that a goal of cancer treatment should be to create this type of oxygen rich environment where the likelihood of a cancer developing or thriving is greatly diminished.